Here we are enroute to Nashville, Tn to pick up Austin.
I've also built a CNC router with the help of Austin when he is home on break. Quite a steep learning curve but very cool to work with.
On a side note, the current owner of a Pitts I built in the '80's contacted me from England. I sold it in the early 90's and it was flown to Greenville Mississippi where it was dismantled and placed in a shipping container for the trip to England. I hadn't heard about until this gentleman contacted me and said he had purchased it and was getting it back to flight status. This was a pretty neat plane that I did a lot of modifications to. I built a set of wings with full span ailerons and with the slave struts moved to inside the I-struts (using a torque tube and bellcrank arrangement) for less drag. The ailerons themselves were all fiberglass and were a unique design at the time. They were very light and very powerful. All internal wire bracing was removed and the wing was covered with mahogany plywood. This kept a much more true airfoil shape than with a fabric covered wing. Anyway, it was a great flying little airplane. Lots more mods than what I've listed but that would take another blog! This is how it looks now...
I'll add a few pics of some of the Breezy clean up items as soon as I get a little time.