Saturday, January 30, 2010


I've decided to increase the size of the tailfeathers over the stock size. It seems to be general consensus that the tailfeathers are slightly under sized. The Breezy can also use a stock Cub or Super Cub tail yet they have substantially more surface area than the drawings. I'm not doing anything drastic just increasing the area a little. The depth of the horizontal is increased by 2  7/16" and the width is increased by 6" per side (8' total  instead of 7'). The tip end of the horizontal is increased to 10" as opposed to the stock size of 6".

Again, I use a very simple jig of a piece of plywood with some finishing nails, pretty simple stuff. The ends are mitered with my chop saw.

The end is not up tight so that's why there is a gap. I'll clamp the piece in place before I tack it.

The plans aren't clear as to what to do about the ribs in the horizontal stab. The plans show 1 rib per side but since I increased the span I figured I would go with 2 per side. The plans don't show what size tubing to use either, so I used 3/8" x .035 tubing that I happened to have on hand. This fit up took about 1 minute on the grinder.

Here's one side in place.

Once again I use my favorite magnetic clamps to hold things into position.

Here are the rest in place. I may put a small piece of sheet stock across these to give them a bit more rigidity although they are pretty rigid to begin with.

Time to cut bushings for the hinges. These are cut out of 1/2" bushing stock (1/4" inner diameter). I use a cut off bit on my lathe and then I don't have to face them later. You could just as easily use a hack saw and a grinder but this way is a little neater and quicker.

Hard to see here but I hold a small awl inside the tube so that it slides onto the awl when it parts instead of falling in the swarf tank or on the floor.

Here are the some of the bushings completed

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